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Internet M&A:Why billion dollar companies acquire tiny million dollar companies … every day. Internet M&A:Two very different “7 times annual EBITDA” company valuation multiple scenarios Internet M&A:The perfect number and blend of MSP services Digital Agency M&A:Buyside Assignment, Valuation and Liquidity Internet M&A:ICOs impact on Company Divestiture Valuation & Liquidity Internet M&A:“Pre-revenue” is not always a curse word Internet M&A:Company Valuations … the reasons, ranges and reliability Internet M&A:The MSP Company Valuation Dilemma Internet M&A:The mirage of company valuation multiple expansion Internet M&A:Tech Buzzwords from an M&A perspective Internet M&A:Why do you think your company is worth that valuation? Internet M&A:Pros, Cons & Tendencies: of financial, strategic and individual business buyers Internet M&A:7 reasons why M&A transactions don’t close Internet M&A:14 Misconceptions & Mistakes with Company Divestitures Internet M&A:Software developers and architects … “If you build it, they will come.” Internet M&A:It’s nice to meet you … but you’re an “outsider” Internet M&A:When there is no doubt it's time to sell your company. Internet M&A:A perfectly overpriced, initial “business asking price” Internet M&A:Never do business with this person Internet M&A:There are 4 Company Valuations for every Internet Service Company. Internet M&A:Business Liquidity/Desirability Scoring System Internet M&A:Losing your job due to a tech merger or acquisition? The startup strategy“Pivot”…there is a hidden cost Internet M&A:The most ruthless tactic in private mergers and acquisitions Internet M&A:First discuss the geographic layout of the Internet service business with its owner. Internet M&A:There is a better question to ask the business owner than, “Why do you want to sell your company?” Internet M&A:Positive thoughts for startups raising capital. Internet M&A:2 Types of Business Sellers ... Proud & Desperate Internet M&A:7 things to do 13 months prior to selling your Internet service business Internet M&A:The difficulties of selling a 50/50 equity partnership
Internet Mergers and Acquisitions:
A Collection of Articles From My 20+ Years in the Lower Middle Market M&A World
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